Artificial Intelligence for Private Equity Portfolios

Increase in value for your entire portfolio
  • Optimize portfolio performance: Tailored AI roadmaps that are aligned with your investment strategies.
  • ‍Measurableimpact: Success stories include 50% improvements in purchase rates and 87% increases in efficiency.
  • Download now: Discover how AI can unlock value for your portfolio.

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The latest industry news, interviews, technologies and resources.

How do you make 30 years of data accessible?

In conversation with Jonas Münch, who developed a RAG chatbot at Bayer that combines 30 years of internal data and clinical results in one place.

Building Better Medicines: Exploring AI-Driven Compound Optimization

An expert interview on research into AI-driven drug optimization.

Reliable and crisis-resistant inventory optimization

Revolutionizing supply chain optimization.

From data chaos to breakthroughs

An expert interview with Dr. Stephan Hegge, VP of Corporate Strategy at HotSpot Therapeutics and Dr. Thomas Wollmann, CTO at Merantix Momentum

How do you make 30 years of data accessible?

In conversation with Jonas Münch, who developed a RAG chatbot at Bayer that combines 30 years of internal data and clinical results in one place.

Artificial Intelligence for Private Equity Portfolios

  • Optimize portfolio performance: Tailored AI roadmaps that are aligned with your investment strategies.
  • ‍Measurableimpact: Success stories include 50% improvements in purchase rates and 87% increases in efficiency.
  • Download now: Discover how AI can unlock value for your portfolio.
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Discover more whitepapers

Data-driven to the drug of tomorrow

Opportunities and barriers of AI in a GxP world.

Leveraging the EU AI Act to your advantage

Using the EU AI Act to your advantage

The AI Canvas: Our tool for project evaluation

Discover the AI Canvas!

The AI Canvas: Our tool for project evaluation

Discover the AI Canvas!

Towards Tabular Foundation Models

About the status quo, challenges and opportunities

Leveraging the EU AI Act to your advantage

Using the EU AI Act to your advantage
We would like to get to know you!

Start your AI journey with us now

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